Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 4: Thursday July 28th, 2011

Today was the best day yet! We FINALLY had some real free time. After breakfast and until lunch was dubbed free time to enjoy the lake or get some work done. I chose to do the latter. My online class has been kicking my butt all summer. I'm ready for it to be over.

Lunch was grilled cheese and it was GREAT! After lunch we did the low ropes course. It was pretty cool. It was nice to play some games that I hadn't played before as well as get a refresher on some of the ones that I have played.

This evening we went to St. Williams church to hear a concert. We decided to stay outside during the concert because we wanted to enjoy the outdoors and we knew that we would want to talk throughout the whole thing. Kathy brought her camera and we had an awesome photo shoot. It was A LOT of fun.

Tonight we are just chilling in the cabin. Lindsay, Courtney, and Kathy are playing Rummy. Nicole is down at the dock talking to her boyfriend. Julie is still working on her project. Lastly, I am looking for jobs/apartments in Philadelphia. Still hoping and praying for the job!

Lastly, it has been a lot of fun having this class with these girls. We were already close before, and now we're just all the closer=)

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